What is PinSpy ?
PINSPY is the largest searchable database of Pinterest Ads. Spy on your competitors, search for good working ad-content and find winning products within seconds.
FE – PinSpy – $588/y
- It’s almost impossible to build the perfect software, if you’re not the end-user. That is why we have assembled a team of developers, brand owners, dropshippers and affiliates to work on Pinspy. We are proud to say that the tool adds great value to any business model.
- Enhanced search
- You’re in full control. Pinspy enables you to search on the name of the pin, the type of media, the gender and the age, the category it was placed in, the created between date and the language. Found your perfect search conditions? Simply save them for the next time to work even faster.
- Demographic information
- With our high-end servers and network you are able to see who an ad is trying to reach, based on gender, age and the location. Your competitors may be reaching the audience on some conditions you have never thought about, with the help of Pinspy you can now do!
- Large database
- We are the largest searchable database for Pinterest Ads. We are continuously improving our servers and algorithm to serve you the new pins you need for your business. Our team of developers is always looking for improvement to make Pinspy the best search platform in the world.
- Rapid interface
- Imagine, setting up your filters so the search matches your needs. And within less than a second, millions of pins are filtered and now shown on your screen. That’s exactly what Pinspy does. Our top priority is to serve you the pins you want within the shortest time possible.
What PINSPY can do for you
Comprehensive data from Pinterest gives you control of one of the most lucrative advertising platforms on the internet. Comprehensive search and filter functions uncover the ads you and your company need to know about, and the simple interface helps you discover them easily.
- Monitor competitions brands
- Save time and money on productresearch
- Uncover new products
- See how the ads are performing
- Scout for the best markets
- Browse on keywords, gender, age or even pin-category
You’re in full control
- We understand that it is very important for you to be able to work quickly and keep an overview. Every business is different and every researcher uses their own strategy. Having a comprehensive search engine with numerous filters is therefore essential.
- Pinspy is equipped with these filters and makes it enormously simple for anyone to do your research well.
The Valhalla for advertisers
- High-end servers, big databases, new ads every day and developers that keep improving the application. Pin-spy is the tool that simplifies the work of advertisers.
- Endless searches for the perfect ad or the right product are over with the help of Pin-spy. With just 1 click, Pin-spy loads hundreds to thousands of ads that fall into your category.
- Search back up to 6 years or see what your competitors are currently promoting. Everything is possible.
Limitless data
- With new techniques, a learning algorithm and high-end servers, Pinspy is an endless source of information. Information you cannot normally access.
- Your search is processed in a fraction of less than a second and Pinspy delivers your results to you on a silver plate.
- Save money and energy and increase your productivity!